Featured Projects
Keeping History alive
This project was based on a panel of wallpaper revealing layers dating back to 1840. I was interested in the layers of history and the development of shapes and colours through time; I used double cloth interchange to demonstrate these ideas.
The British railway during the Industrial revolution
This was a live brief to create a piece of work for a law office, which had a strong link to Manchester. I decided to focus on how railways played a crucial role with importing textile goods from Manchester, focusing on mechanical features on trains and also old railway maps.
How the mill runs
This project explores the mechanical shapes found around the mill, concentrating on clogs and generators. I hand dyed my yarn for this project, with the colours based on an old blue print of an energy system used in the mill.
Colour in our cosmos
I chose to focus on the colours found in our solar system, focusing on the Aurora Borealis and the colours of other planets. I used extra weft in some of my samples to represent the shapes of planets and opted for a black monofilament warp to represent the night sky.
Live brief: Nuno (Weavers of Ideas)
The brief was to produce a collection of work inspired by Reiko Sudo. I found that some of her work looked Natural and nature based and I personally felt a connection between coral and other underwater nature in her work. Therefore decided to base my samples on the shapes surrounding coral, I used the seersucker technique to explore theses forms.
Optical illusion
For this project I decided to look at creating optical illusions on my woven designs. I used found shapes from my daily commute to inspire the illusions and used bright colours inspired by Bridget Riley.